Greenslopes Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care


Valentine's Day Heart Health

Feb 14, 2018

Valentine’s Day romantics should try to limit their alcohol and chocolate intake on February 14th to help keep their hearts healthy, according to a cardiologist at Greenslopes Private Hospital.


Dr Anders Taylor said, “I would suggest that people stick to the recommended guidelines of no more than 2 to 3 standard drinks. If the occasion is particularly special, perhaps one more might be okay.”


Dr Taylor said people should also choose dark chocolate over the milk or white varieties – but only eat a small amount.


“I would also suggest going for a walk outside with your loved one rather than sitting on the couch or going to the movies with popcorn because exercise is very important for cardiovascular health.”


Dr Taylor said it was important to raise awareness during Heart Research Month as cardiovascular disease is the greatest killer in our community.


“In Australia, cardiovascular disease causes more deaths every year than cancer so it’s very important for us to raise awareness so we can intervene early.”


Heart disease has multiple manifestations including ischaemic heart disease, which can lead to a heart attack.


“Ischaemic heart disease has symptoms such as tightness or pain in the chest; it can radiate up to the neck, down the arms or to the back.”


To book an appointment with Dr Taylor, click here.