The Special Care Nursery at Greenslopes Private Hospital is a Level 2 nursery that is able to provide specialised care for babies born from 32 weeks. Experienced midwives and neonatal nurses staff the unit 24 hours a day and are supported by a team of experienced paediatricians and neonatologist. They have an on call roster 24 hours a day, 7 days a week offering parents the reassurance of the best quality expert care.
In the event of your baby becoming very ill, we are able to stabilise your baby and efficiently transfer from our Special Care Nursery to the higher care facility such as the Mater Mothers Neonatal Critical Care Unit or the Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital Grantley Stable Neonatal Unit without delay. When your baby no longer requires this higher level of care they may be transferred back to Special Care Nursery at Greenslopes Private Hospital.
One of our Paediatricians looking after your baby at birth looks after your baby until discharge. They will visit or be in contact with you and your baby every day.