Chaplaincy & Pastoral Support Services
Chaplaincy and Pastoral Support Services offer patients, staff, family and friends support and comfort in times of need. Chaplains provide a ministry of prayer and sacraments to those who request it and can assist persons coping with loss, grief, and changing circumstances. The chaplaincy team represents most of the larger denominations of the Christian faith. Visits by religious leaders from other faith traditions can be arranged for you via the Coordinating Chaplain when requested by a patient or family member. Persons who are not affiliated with a faith can also be supported by the Coordinating Chaplain in times of need when requested.
As a component of the holistic care at GPH this service is delivered through Chaplaincy Services and is managed by the Coordinating Chaplain.
Chaplains will treat information shared as confidential and will be accepting, compassionate and respectful to the views of all persons.
Contact a Chaplain
Requests for a chaplain should be directed to the Coordinating Chaplain on phone extension 7733 or through the hospital switchboard (07) 3394 7111.
The Greenslopes Private Hospital Chapel
The chapel is situated on Newdegate Street near the entrance to the Emergency Centre and is open 7 days a week from dawn until dusk. It provides a place of peace for private prayer and reflection.
Ecumenical services are offered to commemorate special occasions or anniversaries throughout the year and are publicised in hospital communications.