Trauma Recovery Program
What is PTSD?
PTSD can occur after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. In certain circumstances it can also impact upon those who have learned about a traumatic event which has affected a close family member of friend, or have experienced repeated or extreme exposure to the aversive details of a traumatic event (e.g. first responders).
People who suffer from PTSD often relive the experience through nightmares and flashbacks, have difficulty sleeping, experience mood disorders, and can feel detached. These symptoms can be severe and significantly impair the person’s daily life.
Trauma Recovery Program
The Trauma Recovery program is run at the Keith Payne Unit, Greenslopes Private Hospital. It is one of the first courses of its kind in Australia, and is specifically designed to assist both serving and ex-serving members of the Australian Defence Force who have a service-related diagnosis of PTSD. The program is funded by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs and all veterans diagnosed with PTSD are eligible for assessment.
The program addresses the following issues:
- Education about PTSD
- Learning how to deal with painful thoughts and feelings associated with PTSD
- Learning to manage depression, alcohol and drug-related problems, anger, anxiety and sleeping difficulties.
- Develop strategies to enhance communication and better manage relationships
- Assist participants to understand the importance of physical activity as a component of symptom management
- Support Persons groups
These issues are addressed using individual and group therapy approaches, as appropriate.
The program is conducted based on the needs of clients with an average of 4 programs per year. To ensure individual attention and group cohesion participant numbers are limited.
The program is available 2 days per week from 9am-3pm for a period of 10 weeks
NB: The timetable may vary to cater for participant needs
Individual assessment is completed by the program’s multidisciplinary team. Participants who require specialist inpatient care (e.g. detoxification) may be offered some prior to commencement. Patients should note the criteria for assessment are determined by Phoenix Australia – Centre for Post-Traumatic Mental Health.
The information relating to the veteran’s progress and outcome is kept strictly confidential. Medical records remain the property of Greenslopes Private Hospital. If the veteran is agreeable, statistical information (non-identifying) is collected for evaluation purposes by Phoenix Australia – Centre for Post-Traumatic Mental Health.
The program is conducted by a team of qualified and experienced professionals:
- Consultant psychiatrist
- Mental health nurses
- Psychologists
- Social workers
- Occupational therapists
- Dietitian
- Exercise physiologist
- Pharmacist
- Visiting community representatives
Written referrals are required from a GP or psychiatrist. Self-referrals for further assessment may also be arranged. These should be directed to:
Clinical Director
Trauma Recovery Program
Keith Payne Unit
Nicholson Street
Greenslopes QLD 4120
For more information:
Day Program Coordinator
Phone: 3394 7884