Greenslopes Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

Greenslopes Private Hospital specialist Mark McCullen

Dr Mark McCullen


Interest: Diagnostic gastroscopy and colonoscopy including bowel cancer screening. Viral hepatitis and autoimmune liver disease

Dr Mark McCullen is a Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist at Greenslopes Private Hospital (associate of Queensland Gastroenterology).  After graduating from St Batholomew's Hospital in London he undertook specialist training in Gastroenterology and Hepatology in the Wessex Region based around Southampton University Hospital.  He then did a two year senior fellowship in liver transplantation at the Princess Alexandra Hospital.  Dr McCullen has interests in viral hepatitis and autoimmune liver disease.  He is on the editorial board of the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology and was a co-author of the last two Therapeutic Guidelines in Gastroenterology (Version 4 2006, Version 5 2011).

Diagnostic gastroscopy and colonoscopy including bowel cancer screening. Viral hepatitis and autoimmune liver disease