Greenslopes Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

Greenslopes Private Hospital specialist Katherine Semple

Dr Katherine Semple

Interests: Sleep medicine, bronchiectasis, pulmonary infection, asbestos related lung disease, COPD

Dr Katherine Semple is a Respiratory and Sleep Medicine Physician based at Greenslopes Private Hospital. She is also a visiting medical officer at the Mater Adults Hospital. Katherine graduated in medicine from the University of Queensland. She trained in Respiratory Medicine in Brisbane and at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney before completing a Sleep Fellowship at the Princess Alexandra Hospital. She did research investigating Pseudomonas biofilm formation in bronchiectasis and obtained a Master of Philosophy from UQ.

Katherine enjoys all aspects of respiratory and sleep medicine. She is particularly interested in bronchiectasis and pulmonary infections. Katherine maintains a research interest and is affiliated with the Gallipoli Medical Research Foundation.

Sleep medicine, bronchiectasis, pulmonary infection, asbestos related lung disease, COPD