Greenslopes Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

Greenslopes Private Hospital specialist Jean Lee

Dr Jean Lee


Interests: Inflammatory arthritis and crystal arthropathy and connective tissue disease

Dr Jean Lee is a Consultant Rheumatologist and Associate Lecturer at the University of Queensland.

Dr Lee studied medicine at Monash University and completed her degree in 2012. She subsequently moved to Queensland and completed her basic physician training and rheumatology advanced training in Queensland based hospitals, which included Princess Alexandra Hospital, Gold Coast University Hospital, Greenslopes Private Hospital, Townsville Hospital, Rockhampton Base Hospital and other regional hospitals.

Dr Lee was born in Malaysia and grew up in a multilingual, multicultural society before moving to Australia for her tertiary education. She is able to converse fluently in English, Mandarin, Cantonese, and Malay. With her unique upbringing background and clinical exposure in both remote and metropolitan regions, she includes patient’s cultural and personal beliefs into her patient care with passion.

Aside from clinical medicine, Dr Lee also actively engages in research publication and education to both physician trainees and medical students. She is currently a fellow of Royal College of Physician (Rheumatology), and affiliated with Australia Rheumatology Association (Qld), International Association of Women in Rheumatology, and University of Queensland.

Dr Lee adopts a shared care approach with other specialities and primary care physicians in patient management as she believes this will improve patient outcomes, particularly for the patient who suffers from chronic rheumatological conditions who require multidisciplinary and cross specialty involvement.

Languages: English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Malay

Inflammatory arthritis and crystal arthropathy and connective tissue disease
Cantonese, Malay, Mandarin